Saturday, September 8, 2007


Shoot 'em Up


The old lady on the cover of my Angie's List was about the same size as Barack Obama on the cover of Cleo's GQ magazine.

Big Shooting

Iris and the Irvington Typhoons won their soccer game this afternoon.

Then we went to an evening showing of Shoot 'Em Up, with Clive Owen and Paul Giamatti.

It was Krazy Action. Completely over-the-top violence and action, but with a sense of humor about the whole thing. Not exactly a deep, meaningful Oscar contender -- a step above The Transporter -- but a good time at the movies nonetheless. Not for the faint of heart.

And our plan for the rest of the night is to watch The Beach, which Amy and I have seen before. I was realizing that I've read three books by Alex Garland (the author of The Beach, the novel), and I've seen at least three movies he's written: 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later and Sunshine.

So there.

I took some photos around the yard today, and will post one or two shortly.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Back to School

Iris went back to school yesterday. Her middle school is now K-8. She says the "little kids" are just so cute.

Cleo went back to school today. She and her crowd of friends should be arriving soon for their lunch break.

I have been getting back to work after taking a lot of days off in the last few weeks. After we hit 3,000 profiles at Who2 I went on vacation at the coast, but when I got back I just didn't feel like jumping back into work right away. So I've been approaching it slowly.

Last night was a good jump start. Around 10 PM I checked the news and saw that Luciano Pavarotti had died. I didn't think we had a profile of him at Who2, and it turns out I was right. Bad boys! I spent a couple of hours posting a new profile of him, then I noticed that Fred Thompson finally announced his plan to be the next Ronald Reagan for those hopeful souls who'd like a return to the days when our president was merely addle-brained. A step up, I guess.

And now back to work... a profile of journalist Nellie Bly (neé Elizabeth Cochran), as requested (sort of) by my cousin Anna, a school teacher in Alsea, Oregon. Below is a photo from the Oregon Historic Photograph Collection of downtown Alsea. I can assure you not much has changed since this 1961 photograph.

The town is in color now, that's it.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Found Money

Today I went for a walk through the neighborhood. I was going to pick up Cleo, who spent the night at a friend's house about a mile from here. On my way there she called to say she was not yet ready, so I walked further on, stopping for coffee at Costello's on Broadway. I walked up the street and made a stop at the bakery, then went across the street to Broadway Books.

I stepped outside to give Cleo a call, then called Amy about a book. When I finished those calls I noticed a piece of paper at my feet, which I assumed was litter. I picked it up and began looking for a trash can, but then turned it over to find that it was in fact a check, signed and everything, in the amount of $5,000. It was made out to Progressive Media Agency, with an address just up the street from where I stood.

I went there and rang the bell and this fellow eventually answered:

I said, "this was out here on the street" and handed it to him. He took it and looked at it, raised his eyebrows and said thanks. Then we said goodbye and he closed the door.

Outside of Costello's Travel café a group of young adults was being nostalgic as I passed by. I heard one say, "...he still has a cassette player," to which a couple responded "Oh, I remember cassette tapes!"

Fluffy Bangs

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

More Spiders

Some movie footage of some kind of drama.

Monday, September 3, 2007

New Camera

Because we lost our old camera on our recent trip to southern Oregon, we got a new one. It's a Sony Cybershot, and it's pink.

It gets real close to stuff, too.

Quickie Movie Reviews

Yesterday we all went to see Balls of Fury, the silly comedy about ping pong. It was silly, all right, but better than I'd expected and an all right time at the movies. Saturday night we spent the evening at the annual block party, talking with a few neighbors until 10 or 11 at night. Cleo's friend Sarah and our niece Andrea spent the night, and so did Iris's friend Ruby.

Today Cleo was off with zoo pals. I worked in the yard then went with Iris and Amy to see Once. A nice little movie about an Irish busker and an immigrant he meets. A sort-of love story that was enjoyable, if not particularly stunning. Not much of a plot, a lot of very nice songs and a good job at capturing a certain something. Made in Dublin, the movie had locations I recognized from our trip there in 1999.