Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Trip to The Grotto

Greg and I walked from my house to The Grotto this morning. By my calculations it was about 7.7261 miles. The Grotto is a cool but strange place, wonderful in its wealth of natural beauty and a little eerie in its Sorrowful Christ theme. Here are some photos:

The Tower, from the upper chapel:

Some shots of the many, many sculptures there, to give you a feel for things:

And they have a visiting scupture, a bronze replica of Michelangelo's Pietá, made from a cast made in 1932 from the original, which I think dates to 1499. (here's a random shot of the real thing, at The Vatican).)

A detail of the bronze one at The Grotto:

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Save Big on Gas With Natural Pork

From a Safeway ad: