Thursday, July 2, 2009

Old Newspapers

For the Who2 Blog this month we've started posting bits in celebration of the anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission to the moon.

I dug out the newspaper clippings we saved when we were kids and I scanned parts of them. I made a Picasa gallery here.

Noteworthy: there are an inordinate number of photos of various members of Buzz Aldrin's family -- like this one of his wife, for example:

Then there are all the articles about Ted Kennedy:

The Peanuts strip on the day of the moon landing was no big surprise, not since we see Peanuts reruns every single day anyway. And there was a story about "Minutemen" -- super-patriot nuts arrested in New Mexico with too many guns and explosives. The paper said they described themselves as "the last line of defense against communism." This is from 1969, mind you.

Most of the articles I have are from the Eugene Register-Guard, but some are from The Missoulan. I guess we must have moved to Montana in July of 1969, that's what that means.

They'll Do It Every Time

It's like a foreign language.