Friday, January 23, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Acupunctured Thigh Bruise

For those of you who love stories about health issues, and for those of you who love stories about my thighs, I have a fascinating tale about a giant bruise I had until today.

About ten days ago I fell on a slippery driveway and bruised my right thigh. Thusly:

The above bruise didn't actually appear for a few days. A day or two after this photo was taken it was even more colorful.

Last Friday, 16 January, I went to my (regular) acupuncture appointment (with Laura Santi). She did whatever it is she does, working on my thigh some of the time.

Two days later, while making dinner, I had a sudden rush of stinging and itching right on this bruise. For about four or five minutes it was as if that patch was being whipped by nettles. [My parents used to whip us with nettles to get us to laugh at The Beverly Hillbillies, which generally provoked sneers, not cheers, from my brother and I, who were Marxists until we were sent to elementary school.]

Anyway, immediately after that little itch-attack, the bruise mostly vanished:

Weird, and unlike anything I've ever experienced (and I have been bruised many times). It was as if that bruise was fleeing my body.

Today, while walking along NE Hancock and 52nd Avenue, again around dinner-making time (I was, in fact, hot-footing it homeward to make dinner), I got that sudden itching sensation. Sure enough, when I got home, the rest of the bruise had exited my body:

(As you can see, in the above photo I am sporting my Homer Simpson "Hottie" pajamas).

Now, isn't that just about the most interesting story about my thigh you have ever heard?

Social Appetite Photos

A gallery of photos from last night's show at the Hawthorne Theater:
Social Appetite at the Hawthorne Theater

The Clean Up

Monday, January 19, 2009

Over the Weekend

Today was sunny, cold and windy, just like the last several days. Great stuff, really. Saturday I walked about three miles. Sunday I did about four miles. Today Amy and I covered just under four miles. All of it just in the local neighborhoods.

At Who2 it was a big day -- mostly for my pal, Fritz, who did all the work -- switching over our database from the George W. Bush administration to the Barack Obama administration. That means updating profiles for both the incoming and the outgoing. It was a little satisfying to get in there and write "former president" a few times for W.

Cleo spent most of the day working with Caitlin Arias and Sarah Tonga on a video for her psychology class. Iris and Honor went to Oaks Park to skate tonight. I am reading Albert Camus's The Plague and a book on the ancient history of Iraq and a "fantasy" novel called Towing Jehovah by James Morrow.

The Plague reminds me of J.G. Ballard books.