A new city ordinance goes into effect today that will put a damper on my spray paint joy. No, I'm not a tagger, but I do buy probably a dozen or more cans of spray paint a year. It's useful and fun. Now when I go to buy some I will have to get assistance from the shopkeeper, and the shopkeeper must "keep [my] information on file" for two years. Oh, I'm sure it will all be worth the hassle six months from now, when we've finally won the War on Graffiti.
I noticed in the newspaper that 11-13% of tagging is deemed "gang-related" (whatever that means, really), and "the rest is political or hate speech."
here is a photo I took recently: Chief Wiggum from
The Simpsons, on a boxcar that was parked out by Smith and Bybee Lakes last week. I'm not sure which gang associates with Chief Wiggum. Or perhaps this is hate speech?
Here's a copy of the new rules:
We have to show ID for Sudafed now, too, but they don't keep a record, do they? I'd hate to think graffiti is worse than meth now, but I guess with all that hate-tagging going on, we have to do something.
My local hardware store does not have a "graffiti supplies" section, but they do have spray paint. Their only apparent means of securing it post 11-1 is to put a sign up that says I have to show ID. It seems like that encourages stealing. What about those graffiti artists who happily pay for their supplies? What about them, forced into committing a real crime now!?
If I were a serious tagger, I wouldn't be getting supplies from the local hardware store anyway, where I'd be soon known as "the guy who buys a lot of spray paint."
I'd get my fancy nozzles and paint in bulk with the internets.
And I'd shop at Buffalo Exchange for my outfit. But not the Portland store, the San Francisco store.
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