Sunday, April 13, 2008

Nixon and Bikes

Saturday afternoon we were out at Delta Park for a soccer game. It was a sunny day and warm. Before the game Cleo and Amy and I walked around a little. Near the softball diamonds two boys about 9 or 10 years old went whizzing by on their bikes.

The kid in front briefly went hands-free, tossed his hands up and flashed the peace/V-for-victory sign with both hands. He shouted back to his friend, "Look, I'm Richard Nixon!"

That's weird enough, that a kid that age would be mentioning Richard Nixon. But then Cleo and I were both surprised by the kid in the back, who shouted back: "No, Nixon was a REPUBLICAN, he didn't like bikes!"


I came home and looked up inside the internets to see if it was true that Nixon didn't like bikes. It didn't take very long to find this piece of evidence from what I consider to be a pretty reliable coloring book:

So... it turns out those kids were liars, because here you can plainly see Nixon telling the astronauts that he likes bikes. Even Nixon would not lie to an astronaut.

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