Thursday, September 27, 2007

My Extensive Comics Resumé

From a site that keeps track of small-press comics, here's the entry on Paul Hehn.

I was thinking about Top Shelf comics just the other day, when Amy and I were in Powell's Books on Burnside. One of the first issues of TOP SHELF included a really stupid cartoon of mine called "Stinky and Pinky." At Powell's I saw a comic book for sale -- comix in that indie style -- called "Pinky and Stinky." And whaddya know, it was published by Top Shelf Comics!

I'm not under any illusions, mind you... I know that Ben Franklin was the first one to rhyme stinky with pinky, and it's all public domain now.

And anyway, I could be wrong. It could be that MINE was called "Pinky and Stinky" and the new one is called "Stinky and Pinky."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are part of the permanent cartoon universe. Your afterlife will have dark outlines around it.