Thursday, September 6, 2007

Back to School

Iris went back to school yesterday. Her middle school is now K-8. She says the "little kids" are just so cute.

Cleo went back to school today. She and her crowd of friends should be arriving soon for their lunch break.

I have been getting back to work after taking a lot of days off in the last few weeks. After we hit 3,000 profiles at Who2 I went on vacation at the coast, but when I got back I just didn't feel like jumping back into work right away. So I've been approaching it slowly.

Last night was a good jump start. Around 10 PM I checked the news and saw that Luciano Pavarotti had died. I didn't think we had a profile of him at Who2, and it turns out I was right. Bad boys! I spent a couple of hours posting a new profile of him, then I noticed that Fred Thompson finally announced his plan to be the next Ronald Reagan for those hopeful souls who'd like a return to the days when our president was merely addle-brained. A step up, I guess.

And now back to work... a profile of journalist Nellie Bly (neé Elizabeth Cochran), as requested (sort of) by my cousin Anna, a school teacher in Alsea, Oregon. Below is a photo from the Oregon Historic Photograph Collection of downtown Alsea. I can assure you not much has changed since this 1961 photograph.

The town is in color now, that's it.

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