Saturday, September 8, 2007

Big Shooting

Iris and the Irvington Typhoons won their soccer game this afternoon.

Then we went to an evening showing of Shoot 'Em Up, with Clive Owen and Paul Giamatti.

It was Krazy Action. Completely over-the-top violence and action, but with a sense of humor about the whole thing. Not exactly a deep, meaningful Oscar contender -- a step above The Transporter -- but a good time at the movies nonetheless. Not for the faint of heart.

And our plan for the rest of the night is to watch The Beach, which Amy and I have seen before. I was realizing that I've read three books by Alex Garland (the author of The Beach, the novel), and I've seen at least three movies he's written: 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later and Sunshine.

So there.

I took some photos around the yard today, and will post one or two shortly.

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